NY & NJ Employment & Education Equity Attorney: Discrimination, Harassment, Retaliation, Unpaid Wages & Wrongful Termination.

Laurie E. MorrisonEsq. Owner

Wrongful Termination Lawyer NYC & NJ

Protecting Your Rights – Wrongful Termination Attorney

Have you been unlawfully fired?

Wrongful Termination or wrongful discharge is a form of employment discrimination.

Federal, New York and New Jersey Law protect employees / workers from being fired for unlawful reasons. For example, an employee should not be fired in retaliation against a complaint of discrimination, harassment, failure to pay wages / overtime and / or for a complaint against a public health or safety hazard.

Making Sure Employees Don’t Get Fired in Violation of Labor & Employment Laws

Contact A Wrongful Termination Lawyer For Help

If you think you were unlawfully fired from work, our experienced wrongful termination lawyer can help get the resolution you deserve.

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Contact Us

New York Office
100 Church Street, 8th Floor,
New York, NY, 10007
New Jersey Office
28 Valley Road, Suite #1,
Montclair, NJ 07042
New Jersey Office
84 East Ridgewood Ave, 2nd Floor
Ridgewood, NJ 07450
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