NY & NJ Employment & Education Equity Attorney: Discrimination, Harassment, Retaliation, Unpaid Wages & Wrongful Termination.

Laurie E. MorrisonEsq. Owner

Unpaid Wages & Commissions Lawyer

NYC & NJ Unpaid Wages & Commissions Attorney

Have you been cheated out of your income? We can HELP!

Recovering Unpaid Wages, Commissions, & Paychecks

Wage theft is a significant issue in the United States. Wage theft occurs in many forms, including when an employer does not pay an employee for all hours worked, or fails to pay at least the minimum wage.

We are experienced in helping clients obtain wages that are rightfully owed to them. If your employer has withheld wages, commission, or a paycheck, we will aggressively fight for you in and out of the courtroom.

We Hold Employers Accountable For Unpaid Wages

Most workers are entitled to receive overtime pay, but some are not. If you feel you are entitled to, but have not received overtime, wages or other compensation, our experienced NY & NJ employment lawyer can help you get the compensation you are entitled to.

Generally, employees covered under the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA), New York Labor Law (NYLL) and/or New Jersey Law who work more than 40 hours in any given payroll week are entitled to overtime pay. Regular overtime must be paid at a rate of one and one-half times a worker’s regular hourly rate of pay. For residential employees (“live-in” workers), the overtime rate applies to all time over 44 hours in a payroll week.

The overtime requirement is based on hours worked in a given payroll week. In other words, you must work at least 40 hours in a given workweek to receive overtime under NY, NJ & and federal law. This means that you are not entitled to overtime (be it time and one-half, double-time, or any amount higher than the agreed rate) simply because you worked more than eight hours per day or you worked on a Saturday or Sunday.

Some workers are exempt from the Fair Labor Standards Act (“FLSA”), and thus, are not entitled to overtime pay. These workers include, but are not limited to: Independent contractors; Executive, administrative, and professional employees who are paid a salary and have certain job duties; Volunteers; Outside salespeople; and certain computer specialists (such as systems analysts, programmers, and software engineers) who earn at least $27.63 per hour.

Unpaid Wages & Commissions Lawyer In NYC & New Jersey

Unpaid wages harm employees and the economic welfare of workers in a variety of industries. If you have not been paid all you are entitled to under the law, contact us for help. We help people that are owed wages, commissions and / or overtime, our experienced NYC & NJ unpaid wages lawyer can help you get what you  deserve. CALL NOW FOR HELP!

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New York Office
100 Church Street, 8th Floor,
New York, NY, 10007
New Jersey Office
28 Valley Road, Suite #1,
Montclair, NJ 07042
New Jersey Office
84 East Ridgewood Ave, 2nd Floor
Ridgewood, NJ 07450
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